Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hamlet 2

I watched this movie last night. Well, it was quite interesting, funny, unique & a bit weird...hahaha I'm not sure what to expect before i watch it so it's a bit of strange-but-fascinating sort of feeling after that.

Go and watch it yourself. I'm not going to spoil anything. ;)

"Well, this play is gonna bitch-slap Broadway like a cheap hooker at a gangbang. - Cricket Feldstein"

p/s i thought it feels south-park-ish...the director is a co-writer of South Park? lol


Wel^Beiolman said...

hamlet?napa ko suka budak2 punya serita ni..haha..

Claire said...

there's nothing wrong with Hamlet ba..and btw this is some kind of a redo...its different from Shakespeare's .. ;)