Wednesday, July 28, 2010

How To Deal With Negative, Difficult Person.

" I think the scariest person in the world is the person with no sense of humor. So that's a test. If you have doubts about someone, lay on a couple of jokes. if he doesn't find anything funny, your radar should be screaming. Then I would say be patient with people who are negative, because they're really having a hard time."

- Michael J.Fox.


Claire said...

Yep. If even after you give them your best jokes of the year and still nothing happen....oh no. Try to retreat slowly lah....:-D

Wel^Beiolman said...

don't tell me only 2 chances are given..haha....

if no response no need to worry la ba..haha..challenges ba tu...throw the best joke of your life la...32 thn suda ko hidup mesti ada sda best joke of your life kan..ahaha..

Claire said...

taik kau la wel. kau yg mo 50 sda nda lama. hahaha

tgk urang la mo kasi chances brapa byk..kalau yg hopeless apa buli buat la..sekian terima kasih sja la ba. :-D

Wel^Beiolman said...

haha..sekali ko cakap sekian terima kasi..terus dia tepuk tgn..response jg tu..haha..dia mendengar jg ba tu...

Claire said...

Sepa sda dia ni wel? cuba dlu kestau...hahaha

sweetie~ said...

give them at least one week la manatau tengah pms.....hahaha...atau tgh mourning....

sy ni tinggi jg sense of humor tp klu salah masa dan tempat kana teriak ada la...hahaha

Claire said...

Sweetie, betul juga tuh...jadi sebelum mo test urang aga2 dlu kalau dia period ka atau tengah bersedih kan...hehe

boleh baca juga ba jenis urang ni kadang2...tu test tu just for further confirmation kali la...

Wel^Beiolman said... dia la ba...mana buli baca2 org o claire..bayaya ko ni pandai baca2 org...haha

Claire said...

bukan mo baca2 urang mo kasi bingung bah..sot..hahaha menilai kali ngam punya bm..haha

Wel^Beiolman said...

jan nilai2 org ba..kenal baru tau ba..haha...baca2..haha...

Claire said...

ya la..mesti mo kenal mengenali kan friendly..wakaka