Sunday, August 1, 2010

First Sunday of August

Sometimes they say that people around you know about certain things more than you do because they have been doing the observation so they will judge better since they are not clouded by any emotion or bias perception about the matter.

And once it happen, you will say things like 'If they only knew!' - well, they don't. Because they're not you. Let me put it this way. Someone can care for you and still not understand your every motive, emotion, need, and desire.

Life have been confusing and hard these days but somehow, out of nowhere there's this feeling bursting out from deep within telling me that it is all under my own control and decision. People can say and tell you about many things - of what to do and what is right but at the end of the day you will be alone again and it is actually depend on how do you want to live your life and no one else can live it for you. Put aside whatever people say about things and just do what you feel right.

This time around, I am going to do whatever I want to and start all over again. Doing the best I can for my own life. Along the way, people will drop by and leave their markings on the door and soon they will be gone and that is meant to be. Their turn have come to put a color to your sketch of life. And when they are done, go on and do the same.

Just be grateful of it and be happy.


Lett said...

Wish you all the best Claire... It's true, ppl around you can just give opinion... the rest, you will have to decide yourself for your own good.

Apa2 pun, as ur friend, I wish you happiness success in everything u do... cheers :)

Wel^Beiolman said...

do the best and be the best for you...semuga gumbira selalu...

Claire said...

Rayns, Wel, Thanks ya. :)