Sunday, March 21, 2010

Morning In Your Eyes

I woke up early this morning to send off KC at the bus station and as I was driving home on the bridge to cross over to the main land, a beautiful gold and orange hues was just coming up right over the vast far away hills ahead.

Morning sunrise.

Right there and then, I feel a surge of contentment for the present. I would say that the title of Eckhart Tolle's book, The Power of Now is one way to describe it. To be grateful for the moment and living the life at present.

Waking up to a sunrise is one good way to start the day.
Enjoy the song here by Norah Jones, Sunrise.

You can't change what happen yesterday. And you don't know exactly what will happen tomorrow. But you know where you are right now and what you want to do for the next 15seconds.

Have a great day ahead. :-)


Lett said...

The key is, at least you KNOW.
Cantiknya cahaya mentari di pagi hari.

Claire said...

Lett, cantik kan. hihihi

Travel-Bunny said...

I love Sunrises. And Sunsets.

Claire, basking in the "Now" moment is great. I assure u/ I used to live so much in the past, and worry so much about the future. I never noticed my other half who is right there. In front of me. Now i'm all for living in the "Now". It works wonders. You learn how to appreciate what is right there in front of you.

I'm happy. I hope you are too!
have a good week ahead Claire!

Claire said...

Ms SunShine, :) it's great that you've come to that realization. At the end of the day, we can only do something about what's now. When it matter most. Not yesterday.and not tomorrow.

Wish you all the happiness in the world too. :)