My health screening result is out today. Surprisingly, the cholesterol level is fine regardless of the many lemak berkrim that I have been gaining lately. The only concern is on the Haematology result which shows many Low sign and the doctor advised me to do further check on serum ferritin analysis.
I have known for quite some time that I have a low Hb everytime I went to any blood donation campaign. Today is a proof enough for me to be considering taking care of my Iron intake seriously.
This is what my colleague said to me after peeking at my blood result.
"That's why you always look pale. You should eat mo spanish", he said. Which I figure out quickly enough that he actually mean spinach.
The doctor advised on supplementary which have high Iron and B12. I guess I should also make cereal and oat my daily breakfast from now on. And of course not forgetting the spanish.
Some of the signs & effects of iron deficiency are:
- always feeling tired and weak
- difficulty maintaining body temperature
- decrease in immune function
Tannins that are found in tea decrease absorption of iron which means I have to stop my habit of drinking tea while having my meal. Sigh.
Kellogg's Corn Flakes for tomorrow then.
Told you I'm a vampire.
punya sihat kenen makanan ko tu selalu kan..hahaha..
practice minum beer for lunch and eat only when hungry..haha...
thank god am still healthy..never really know though as I never really go see doc for screening...
Wel, ko tau ada sy terbaca masa googling, a glass of beer or wine per day bagus untuk dapat Iron kunun. ekeke tp ingat, segelas sja..bukan mo terlebih2...wakaka
p la cek darah ba wel..ada 1 lagi kupon tempat sy cni. kau mau? yg rm260 punya byr rm90 ja. ehehe sana path lab.
Napa kunun ko vampire? movie-influenced ko ni...ekekek. btw, sy kamarin tensen sudah sama ni batuk tiap2 malam, so sy p beli 1botol stout kicil dan minum...trus siok tdur ni. sihat sy rasa hahaha (padahal punya pahit sy rasa tu stout)
p la further check darah ko...btw, pemakanan tanpa execise pun susah & vice versa...misti mo ada dua2 tu baru apa yg kita mo buat ni?
my blood test smua perfect expect for high cholesterol.....huhuhuhu
eh expect plak...hihihihh...except b...
nda buli mkan vit iron trus ka..?
Incik Prenkie, jadi mari lah kita amalkan stout segelas sehari dan mari lah kita pigi main basketbal dan beranang! ekekeke Vampire la ba tu sb sy mo darah ni mo darah...wakaka
Sweetie, sekali lagi...marilah kita beranang dan bermain bola..ekeke tu dokter cakap buli terus makan suppliment..jgn sja la lebih smpi toxic badan oleh si iron. :-D
kan suda sia bilang..kamu la tu pandai suda 'mendewasakan' diri kenen inda mau join bgs jg ba nanti kehabisan minuman susa lagi..haha....sepa la ba minum tiap2 hari sampai mabuk..haha..minum sekadar membantu tidur..atau membantu mencuci darah bgs jg tu..yg telebih kenen tuk weekend sja...haha...weekdays mesti disiplin always the best....hehe...
Aiks si Wel...ekekeke buli juga ba sekali sekala minum bersederhana...hehehe
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