"Perak MIC chairman Datuk G. Rajoo said Nizar should get the mandate from the state assembly instead of seeking to dissolve the state assembly. Stating that the party with the support from the majority should rule, he said that a snap election would not benefit the state as more money would be spent." - The Star
What the fork! The party with the support from the majority should rule??? From which majority did he based on. No other than the 3 frogs who jumps i suppose. Just because they now have the majority of the seats does not mean that they got the majority of the VOTES from the people. These people who stick their brain on other people's ass really irritates me. He should seriously think of putting his brain back to his own ass. [haha..i'm pretty bad at this]
The only way of solving the Perak crisis once and for all is through a fresh election which will be determined by the rakyat. Never mind how much money would be spent. Who's money is it anyway? It's from the people & obviously not your money Mr Rajoo.
That's all i want to say. Need more fancy explanation & facts? Go read somewhere else. Berlambak.
I dunno whether this is appropriate or not..But when you are this feisty,hey it turns me on ba..:-)
hahahaha...habis la....lol
Haha.. Ganas nya ni urang...
"""He should seriously think of putting his brain back to his own ass."""
Panas uda ko kah ni Claire.. haha.. tp, ya, sya pun geram + meluat jg kdg2..tp, malas lah sya mo pikir pasal dorg ni..
sya cuma lucu skit nmpk ko mganas d cni.. hehe..
Hehe..lucu ko bilang Feinier? Paling garang sda tu kau bilang lucu..hahaha nda ba.
Gallivanter, yep. That's the right thing to do in this situation now.
garang tu best tau klu atas katil....hahaha...jan marah claire...
ya sy sgt setuju perak perlu kana bubar....biar la byk duit spent sbb iu saja cara utk menang bersih.....nakal ba perak pny krisis ni.....never happened in history....macam kanak2 riang tadika bergaduh2 berebut mainan....kekeke
hahaha..tu la ba durang...sot betul...sayang kunun mau guna duit utk fresh election tp durang ingat nda terbantut ka tu ekonomi perak skg sb tukar2 menteri...baru ja td si Zamby sot tu kana terima lagi appeal dia. so skg dia msh MB. wtf la btl2..hahaha
btw, garang mmg best la atas katil sweetie..muahahhaha
Alala... ndak dapat ko jadi secretary si Nizar ni.. Terpaksa tangguh lagi niat tu claire.. Silap2 Zambry pula yg ambil ko jd secretary sbb ko garang di atas katil hahaha... Bikin maradang bah ni sistem perundangan kita ni. Yg satu cakap ni, yg satu lagi cakap tu. Bingung jadinya.. Macam kana kasih main2 saja ni :(
mmg buduh ba durang semua tu. hehe memanas aku tgk muka si zambry td d tv senyum2 lg kunun. nda tau malu btl. hehe
Dia samakan dirinya mcm Gandhi dan Mandela... Mmg ndak tau malu bah dia tu. Kana kutuk abis dia tu pasal perbandingan tu wakakaka...
hahahha..tu la ba..kin malu ja..jgn la ba overkill smpi ada hati mo compare sm Gandhi n Mandela...
politik tauuuu hahaha
dui si jerry....haha
What happen in Perak?
Ha ha ha?
What eva happen, rempit still happy.
hahaha...hi Pegawai...of course rempit still happy. ;)
my lovely clever claire..i think i want to invite you to talk about politics to my political science students lah...can huh? huhuhu!!!
love u claire
omg. not that clever la charlie. i'm just a common observer. ;)
Hmmm... I see you have quite a fan club, Claire :-) Thanks for blogrolling me!
omg. ANTARES commented on my blog! the feeling is like having Daniel Craig saying hi to me. hehehe thanks for dropping by Antares...geez...i still can't believe this. hahaha
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