Friday, October 17, 2008

Cap Ibu dan Anak

I had trouble sleeping lately...ntah apa jg sy fikir...mmm mcm c Joy dlu pun pernah post psl susah tdur juga.. i did get some sleep but it's not enough..i'll feel so tired at work & i started getting minor headache...i just don't want it to further turn into one of those nasty migraine...

So last night..i decided that i have to do something about it...after a few attempt of trying to sleep which failed, i open up the already packed belongings (fyi, going to move out to new house this weekend) looking for the special potion for sleepiness...haha and aha! found it! secure nicely at the bottom of the box..took it out...& gulp!...sikit sja ba..jgn susa..hehe

biar la sy jadi penagih ubat batuk ni..haha

Nda juga la sy terus tertdur...pusing2 lagi skijap...then tia tau bila tu..akhirnya! tetdur jg sy..yeay hehe

And i woke up late this morning....i rushed up getting ready...speed a bit driving..doning my make-up while the red lights on the road...fuhh then...i get at the office at 7.58...yeay...mission accomplished! haha

i just hope tonight i won't be needing the potion anymore lah...
Mau buat special exercise kali ni kan....hehe


Anonymous said...

tempat kamu habis suda ka beer claire..mimang inda cukup ba kalu ko kan..haha..ubat batuk la jadi mangsa...laju suda ko drive ka sekarang..haha...jg2 koti..haha

Anonymous said...

haha..ada jg tu kwn tu hari minum yg smpi half day keja tu call bawa minum tp nda mau la ada tragedi oktober lg jadi sy decline..hahaha

nda dpt rehat ba tu kepala..ada sja mau fikir..tu la nda dpt tdur p bersukan ba kali ni...lama sda nda bergiat aktif..sigh

iya wel....laju sda sy skg...tu satu tgn mmg pandai mau biasa la..hahaha

Anonymous said...

claire, mengkali mo bersukan bah itu claire.Tp sia rasa ni last 3 days, sejak sia inda exercise susah mo tidur. sama worr kita, sia pun minum tu juga dulu time sia tensen inda dpt tidur. cap ibu dan anak, tp sia inda berani lagi skrg, takut..ada drug..nnt ketagih.claire ko eksesais la..sia rasa tu ja cara..

Anonymous said... the time sy blk keja kan kul 7lbh sda ni..galap sda tiang bola kalau mau p tandang kasi score..haha mungkin mo ber yoga kali ni..hehe