Thursday, January 13, 2011

Words...they tend to confuse you.

I'm in my room, feeling at peace but also feels quite 'new'. Like I'm still getting used to it..but here, I can look at every single thing around and nothing else to be reminded of. Just me and my stuff.

I plan to do a bit more decluttering and maybe to change the bedroom setting to avoid knocking over the edge of the bed. But that would take quite some time and energy so maybe tomorrow. Or the day after. I haven't decide.

Mcm ok jg kalau kaler merah kan. :-D

I should sleep early tonight. I thought of finishing a book or watch the movie 'The Three Idiots' my colleague gave me this morning but now I don't really feel like it. Just thinking of hitting the sack.

Maybe I should meditate a bit...clearing my mind off those things that are unnecessary and then go to bed and wake up fresh and happy tomorrow.

I will do that.

And, I'm grateful for being me. With all the imperfection and flaws.

I haven't got my gratitude journal so...that's why. :)

Good night everyone.

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