Monday, August 3, 2009

Just Rambling

Not everything you plan goes on smoothly. That's why the advice is to always have a plan B or something of the sort.

There must be a reason why some things happen. Or maybe that's just our way of reasoning or just excuses for things that did not go as we intended it to.

Or maybe it was just bad judgement. How are we suppose to know what's coming right?


Anonymous said...

We should ask our heart first what we need in life, then we will get the answer...don't simply let our mind take action

Wel^Beiolman said...

apa yg inda jadi ni...inda jadi p minum bir ka ni..buli tunda ba tu...

sometimes its better not to have plan b or c at all as if you're hoping it to go bad...huhu..put all the best in plan a...

Anak Antu Seni said...

iya iya...

Anonymous said...

what ever you do just do your very best!if its effortless,you'll be satisfied enough for you have done the 120%

Gallivanter said...

We don't. We just adapt. :-)

Claire said...

Anon 10:32, indeed.

Wel, ada la ba tu benda2 yg mcm byk ko mo pegi tpksa pilih2 then last2 jadi benda yg nda dijangka, semua nda tepigi..gitu la lbh kurang.hehe

Anak Antu, :)

Anon 10.02, yup!

Dan, really eh. :)