1. The person who tag/pass you this is?
-> Jerryster
2. Your relationship with her/him is?
-> my yet to kiss...eh yet to see in person friend
4. The most memorable thing she/he had done for you?
-> ni la ba susah ni..blm lg ter 'chance'..haha i guess so far is being funny & entertaining on the comments lah5. The most memorable thing she/he had said to you?
-> ...after this there will be one! haha6. If she/he becomes your lover you will?
-> never let him get up early every morning~ haha7. If she/he becomes your lover, thing she/he has to improve on will be?
-> patience...cuz i can be difficult sometimes...:p8. If she/he become your enemy, you will?
-> tumbuk! jaga la!9. If she/he become your enemy, the reason will be?
-> tia tau la napa...sigh haha10. The most desired thing you want to do for her/him now is?
-> stop & stare~ mcm lirik lagu ja ni...haha11. Your overall impression of her/him is?
-> great person-> after this post? hahaha
-> owh~ too many...too many..where do i start...haha
-> not sure...haha
-> a complete me..
-> thanks 4 just about anything..be it small or big..:)
byk juga smpi 10!
2) Aleaf
3) Joy
4 Charlie
5) mo letak c wel tp sda kana tag c jerry..haha
6) Fab
7) Alex
8) Rayner
9) Arthur
10) whoever is interested la then...haha
-> Nelly..my junior at school
19. Is no.9 a male or female?
-> hahaha..funny...male la kalau king arthur ba
-> hahaha..funny...male la kalau king arthur ba
-> ooo..i bet it will with whoever it is that interested...hehe
21. What is no.2 studying about?
-> something to do bout cats i think...haha
-> something to do bout cats i think...haha
-> chat box? :p
23. What kind of music band does no. 8 like?
-> sy kasi kau dangdut la rayns...haha
-> sy kasi kau dangdut la rayns...haha
-> i think so...mcmna ni? hehe
25. Will you woo no.3?
-> i've thoughts of going to that direction..haha but no..jgn takut Joy..haha
-> i've thoughts of going to that direction..haha but no..jgn takut Joy..haha
-> ohoo! jgn la kacau org punya..hehe
-> no...sigh~ :p
-> Tia tau oo kalau c wel atau c jerry ada nama tambahan ni..ster mengkali
-> ala..no one's there..hehe
-> yeah...dunno bout jerry la...his name is there juga..haha
-> cats federation...haha
-> we both love harry! :D
33. Have you tried developing feelings for no.6?
-> hahaha...
-> hahaha...
-> sarawak
35. What colour does no.4 like?
-> i hope i guess alright...red & black? hehe
-> i hope i guess alright...red & black? hehe
-> yes...still dunno bout jerry la..hihi
-> kau rasa lex? hahahhaha
-> thinking of strategies to win the Pensiangan seat..mo bertanding ba ni..haha or maybe recording yet another songs..:)
p/s mcm gila ka ni jwpn2....haha mo menghiburkan kau ba ni jerry..sepa suru p tanya what do i think of u n ur belly! hahaha
napa byk "still dunno bout jerry la."..
ahaha..funny jg ni tag la..aha..nasib lg claire..kalo inda 2 org sia mau kasi explain..mau jg hati..susa la...kalu2 2 sumandak inda apa la.haha..
muahahaha, sorilah claire sa rebut si wel ko la la la hahahaha...
ehem.....ko jatuh sinta sma sa suda kaini claire? wakakkaka
wel..ko jan mcm2 sna, pi jawab tag ko hahaha
hahhhahhahaha....sb sy teletak nama dia d no 5 sama2 kau ba wel~ hahaha...funny ba tu tag..jadi gembira sja sy buat..kau anggap ja c jerry pun sumandak ba wel~ mcm nda biasa kau tu..haha
jerry..berjatuhan sda sy ni..wahaha tu la kau p rebut c wel~ kalau nda sy mo kurik2 jg apa dia pikir ni..hihi
hahaha...and napa nama sa sa ada '-ster' di belakang. kalau sa jadi 'Jerryster', si Wel mesti jd 'Welmy' and ko mesti jd 'Clairestermy'. amacam, buli kaitu? hahaha
jerry..anugerah tu tau ada 'ster' d belakang.haha..hanya yg terpilih sja tu..hehe.
welmy?ahaha..sia kasi nama anak sia la ni..haha..cute pula kan..sekali rupa mcm sia jg..haha..
clairetermy?ni butul2 ganjil la..hehe..mcm nama saintifik pula..haha
claire..ahaha..apa ko mau tau sia pikir ni claire..sinang2 ko buli tanya lepas 10 btl beer...mau jg ko susah2..haha...
jerry..si claire jatuh sinta sudah tu..haha..tesasul suda dia sebut nama ko sja..hehe..
hahahhahaahahhaha mcm mau ketawa beguling tp d opis...haha terhibur sy!
Jerry...yg terpilih ja ada ster tu d blakang..c wel pun welster ba...haha welmy mcm buli tahan jg la...tp tu clairestermy nda buli pakai la ba kau ni...hahaha
Wel~ ba nti sy tny masa ada beer k...haha malam yg sejuk dan ada beer ka? hahaha
jgn ckp psl jatuh2 ba wel..takut nti c jerry...hahaha dun worry jerryster~ i dont bite..sometimes sja la kali...palan2 ja haha
bah wel, kalau sa kana bagi tu anugerah -ster, si claire pun patut ada lah..jd clairester, buli kaitu? atau nda layak dia terima hahaha :)).
aih claire, cam best owh sa dingar gigit mengigit ni..mcm naik sa punya, emmm......selera mau makan muahahahaha..
wel, ko pasti 10btl jak kah? bukan kurang dr tu ko jd open book trus kaitu? hahaha
Claire, sa sangsi owh suda ni...napa mesti mlm yg sejuk aa? hahaha
hahaha...ko tny c wel la jerry..dia yg ckp tu mlm yg sejuk...haha
ikut empunya badan yg memanggil ba tu..sepa2 sja ko rasa ko mo kasi ster..haha tp kalau nama sy mcm nda ngam la..hihi
nda akan 10 sja tu jerryster..mesti akan lebih juga...hehehe
ko minta2 kena gigit ka ni jerry..gete o..haha
adei..abis ba kamu dua urang ja kasi penuh komen cni kan..haha panjang lagi tu ulasan setiap satu..hahaha
uikss...jan ko begitu bah claire..hehehe nda ba sia tau juga. tp katakan teda lagi lelaki di dunia pun..sia rasa pun tidak akan sampai jadi mcm ellen degeneres / portia de rossa kan>???
hahahah..kau rasa joy? hahahah...ok jg ba girly2 ni..haha adei..mati la kana kilat ni gni..haha
ahaha..kenapa inda kan claire..adventure ba kalau mcm tu..hehe..
10 butul?gila ka.ingat purut mcm tangki air..haha...
mesti yg hujan2 sama sejuk baru best minum beer ba.hehe..
jan menyesal kana gigit jerry..hilang tu tau terus..haha..
hahaha...adventure la juga wel~ buli2 jg ni kali..hehe
setakat 10butul pun mo nangis..kau ni..haha
ya la..semalam sy minum bir sendiri pun terus kepanasan p mandi dlu then tdur..hehe
mimang la ba hilang wel~ sy ambi ja gia..suda kana bagi..bawa balik la...haha
LOL *sa ketawa brabis ni upis nie* hahahahaha. budu owh kamurang semua cni hahaha
hahaha..kau bilang kami buds ka jerryster? smpi hati....haha c wel la jg ketua dia ni..haha
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