Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Kind of

The world is bad enough without people trying to make someone elses life a living hell. Just be nice people. No matter what you said to justify your reason behind being what you call tough or straight forward, I am never going to buy it. So stop trying to convince me.

Next time, think before you say something so it won't come out wrong. For just one time, try hard to be nice. Leave every person you meet better than you found them. You have no idea what they may have gone through.


Mell_f said...

yea ba,ppl often bilang 'mulut sy tidak bertapis' or whatsoever la kan but itu mmg alasan to make they feel less guilty with what they've said,esp bila dorang sd sense si kawan mcm terasa suda. haiz.

Claire said...

Mell, iya...if only they put just a little effort to think before they speak...