Thursday, December 11, 2008

Save me

What is wrong with me?
Tonight is the second row at night that i can't sleep. My mind's tired and my body's aching. Still....I'm tossing around on my bed trying to find the exact comfy position so i can eventually fall asleep. but no. Here i am typing this post. I can't possibly resort to take the cough syrup again..[sigh] I wish i can sleep like the lady in that picture.

Sleeping is such an utter bliss. If i manage tho.

What was it that i did to deserve such cruelty to not be able to indulge myself in paradise of mind resting as sleeping. What! [ggrrr]


Mell_f said...

Mulai hari ni,jgn lagi kita cerita pasal lelaki la,esp si eric bana, 300,bong,pitt..mmg susah tidur ba lepas tu. maka nya,kita cerita pasal lelaki time pagi seja la aa. sy mau 300 part atas sama si bong. ko si 300 part bawah sama bana n pitt. sy tau ko setuju suda tu.

Claire said...

hahahhahaha....tu la btl2 kali kin susah tdur kan..haha kita cerita ppuan cantik sja la mary sm si anne ka..kita kasi susah si wel pla tdur...hahaha

sy sgt2 setuju sda ni mell..tapi mesti mo tukar2 jg tu kn nti kana teriak sja susah la..haha

markiekadus said...

atuk... patut pun ko susah mo tidur... sia pula senang tidur, tapi susah mo bangun... 3 hari uda sia koloboi nie... nda tau kenapa... padahal awal pun sia landing... chis...

Claire said...

hahaha...kau ni markie..sda awal tdur mau lg lebih2 lmbt bgn..biasa! hehehe

Wel^Beiolman said...

adada..claire sama si mell ni..haha...emmm..napa tu claire..apa ko pikir..ko inda mau kestau jg kan...selalu kenen mau cakap ko inda paham..kasi paham la..sia kan inda berapa bijak..hehe..

ok ba tu claire..ubat batuk..adada..bgs lg ko p minum beer..hehe..

ada lg part bawah part atas ka ni..hehe..sia nyenyak sja pun tidur..mimpi seja teda la..hehe..lg best tu kalu ada mau pkr sal si anne sama si marry kalu mo tidur..hehe..

Claire said...

owh..too bad reading keeps me awake..maybe i'll try the gallon of milk then...;)