Friday, December 5, 2008


I always look forward to a blood donation program since like forever.
I don't really know how to tell why i love doing it so much but what i can tell is, it really feels good afterward.

And it's really not like i am being a saint or anything as i am far from that. Maybe it's the feeling of making a small difference to the life of others..i don't know...
I just love doing it. end of explanation. ;)

Around that time, i have to control my eating & drinking habit for sure. I don't want to not be able to donate for that day.

No alcohol consumption within days before, exercising a bit for a good blood pressure & eating lots and lots of chicken liver or anything that can help to increase the possibility of donating. Because sadly for me...a few times i have not been able to donate because of low blood pressure & Hb... sigh~

but no matter..i think this time should be no problem as i have gain a few weight so maybe that would help? hehe


Claire said...

;) good! but then how about once every 3months..hehe you knw kan that we can donate again after 3months...;)

i'm afraid i can't another commitment to attend to...nxt time yes?

JerryInc said...

coolness!! basically we're one of those few people who doesn't mind going under the needle to give away a pint of blood..WE'RE SPECIAL hahaha..

i've done my quota of donating twice this year :)

Claire said...

hahaha....iya la jerry...we are SPECIAL~! hihihi

sy pun dua kali sda this year..campur yg ni nti..3kali la..ya la lepas 3bulan baru blh derma lg ba..hehe